Friday, July 16, 2010

What is more important?

A Mulla Nasruddin story:
Once Mulla fell in love with a beautiful girl. He started sending 10 amazing love letters to her everyday. He kept doing this for like 3 months untill when she opened one of those letters for the first time. She read & found it was beautiful. She read few more & they were all unique & special. So she called him in the evening to some park. Mulla got very excited & he got there an hour before. That girl came on time and asked him, how could you possibly love me so much that you use to send 10 letters everyday? Mulla said, Oh! I just use to send best 10 out of 25 that I use to wrote everyday. Here are the ones that I never sent. And he started to read the first. It was amazing. Then he read the second, it was also superb. Then he read the third. As soon as it got over girl slapped him & said, 'Hello! I am here in front of you and you are still stuck to your Love letters.'
And that sit, in the very similar fashion, the purpose of everything is to reach master. Once you are there then the means, path, they are just immaterial. But surprisingly people loose their focus over the master & get into all this and start sharing all this & even with the master himself many times.