Friday, July 16, 2010

Guru Mandal

Its said that Guru don't need an organisation but where ever he goes, things around him get organised leading to the formation of the organisation. Guru Mandal is the basic structure around the Guru. So although your focus should be guru, many a times you get stuck in this Guru Mandal. Now it consist of three things where you may get stuck & loose your focus. 

First is the organiastion. Like say in corporate people starts thinking about their increment & upgradation in designation & so on. Similarly here also people get suck with their posts. I am a volunteer, teacher, Senior teacher, Guruji's Secretary, HOD, Director,  this & that. In the meanwhile focus on master is lost.

Second are the people around him. Now you can either be in love or hatred with them, in both cases you have lost focus over your master. Say some person around him behaves rude to you, then even when your master is there & you see that person again, you are like why Guruji let people like him near by, something need to be done to him, & so on. In the meanwhile your focus is lost again.

Finally is the Knowledge around him where people can get stuck in. This you must have seen that people are busy in their own head made concepts. You need to be free from that also. Or you will be busy in presenting yourself & will be focusing on yourself instead of the master.

This Guru Mandal is around but you need to make sure that you're not stuck in it & you remain focussed.


  1. Thank you for throwing light on the path and showing where we mis-step! We take the Master too much for granted, at times!

  2. Nice description, as far as "Sthool Jagad" is concerned. Guru Mandalam, links this "Sthool Jagad" with Sukshma & Karan Jagad.
