Monday, September 13, 2010

Being Intense but not becoming Extremist

It means you should be doing Everything with Intensity rather than becoming an extremist. When you become an extremist your whole focus shifts onto one thing only and you aren't even bothered about anything else and eventually miss out on so many other things you could have done simultaneously. While if you do things with high intensity then you can do so much in the same time. See our master don't tell us do 12hrs of meditation, instead he tells us to do 20mins of intense breathing. I always used to do things to the extreme and so missed a lot which I would have done otherwise. So not a good idea doing things being an extremist.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sa + ee + va = Seva

Well in simple terms its 'main hi hoon'. That is its me alone or there is no one but me. Having this attitude while seva you won't get tired. And that's the reason why Guruji never gets tired inspite of working all day and night. Often people do even seva for someone. As we were taught in 8th or 9th standard, work is a scalar quantity not a vector one. So thats exactly what we should do, not directing it to some people. Otherwise work gets the priority based on the person who have given the work. And you will start giving 100% to some and less than that for some and some you won't even feel like doing based on the person. Cause your its me alone attitude is lost. Taking care of this you can be much more efficient and it will be easy to give your 100% in everything you do.