Sunday, July 18, 2010

Marvellous Evening Yesterday

Yesterday was the peace meditation in the ashram. And this is how it began. First all the Ashramaids together who knew did Guru Puja with their separate kits. As soon as it got over, the satsang started with grace coming to ashram in form of raining. From nowhere clouds came, do some showering over us & then disappeared again into the vast sky. Since I was out in Gaushala till that time, I could see two full rainbows in the sky out of which one had its initiation point in ashram lake (as the light of rainbow was visible over the lake with trees next to it in background, I wish I had a camera with me. Anyways Then me and Rajeev ran for the meditation. Satsang was still on. Yagnashala was packed. Then we had the peace meditation. After that Swami Paramtej (Some knows him as Pankaj Bhaiya) was in full form. And Here's some of the points which I remember:
There are 9 factors responsible for the negativity in the society. I don't remember their sanskrit terms but they were:
1. Physical illness: that people are not physicallly fit to act.
2. Mental illness: i.e. people are not mentally fit to act.
3. Doubts: on the capabilities, techniques, Master, Kriya whether they are working or not.
4. Doing wrong Knowingly: Due to some or the other factors many people are busy doing the things they know that are wrong.
5. Laziness: This is the biggest factor. Say theres some of our events & people just don't wake up untill they get 10 sms. Some wait untill someone comes physically to take them. And surprisingly some even don't wake after that also.
6. Caught up in the sense & sense objects: Once you are in this category, you are just carried away.
7. Experince is not lasting longer.
8. No experience at all.
9. Hallucination where you are stuck in your own concepts & imagination.
He said Stars & planets are completely against us till september. The only solution is one pointed focus. Heres what you can do: If teacher then Teach more & more courses, if can sing then arrange 2-3 satsangs a week, if having a Celebrating Silence then read one knowledge sheet in every satsang and get together, if can bless then go out and give blessings atleast 2-3 hrs a week. Its high time people are in great need of satva, If you are a blesser go out & bless. Time to make sure people you know around are doing their sadhana. Start having bigger gathering more frequently without needing Guruji's physical presence (I guess we all know that he is anyways everywhere) by conducting MahaKriya, etc.
And as the first step if you really think you can do something then reg yourself @

After that he told that all the blessers have to make sure that no one gets out of this hall without getting blessings and then we were all in action feeling the absolute bliss around......

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